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2019 ACT State Championships a big success

Thankyou to everyone who made this weekend such a success.

From those who did set up and pack up it’s never a pleasant task but such an important one ( I wont name you all because I might miss someone but you know who you are).

To our Canteen people Michael and Susan, DT Carl, Head referee Cerri and visiting referee/mentor Mitchell, referee Tom who we pulled out of bed to come and help and all those who took time out to referee even though they are fencing.

Tray bearers Shiloh, Ashley, Shania and Tim.

Helen for the food on Sunday which helped keep everyone fueled.

Big thanks to Neil and Grant who kept things ticking along with the million decisions that needs to be made.

Thanks also goes to the tournament sponsor Jeff Gray.

Garry keeping up the tradition of the vacuum lunge.