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Tri State Tournament 2014

Fencers from the Vic Bandits and from NSW clubs joined ACT ‘Mozzie’ fencers (age u13 and below) in a day of camps and comps in U13 U11 – and this year for the first time –  U9s at the 2014 Tri State Tournament!  Friendships were made and skills were learnt.  Congratulations to all the fencers on their beautiful fencing and thankyou to the many helpers that made the day very special – especially Cerri and the referees – some of whom are former Mozzies themselves, the ‘CDDC-mums’  who helped with the Canteen and registration, coaches Thompson and Brook who ran the warm-up camps at the beginning of the day, and the people that set up and pack up the pistes. Money raised in the canteen will go towards assisting with coach-travel to future interstate Mozzie-squad travel.