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Can you help at Tournament on 8-9? March

This year,  we will be running a canteen at the Canberra Day tournament on March 8-9.  The aim is to raise money that can be put in a fund to help coaches that travel with ACT fencing groups to interstate comps (so far, at their own expense).  Please come and help for one hour while the fencing is on.  Contact Di at Engarde or Letitia at CDDC/squad or email 

We also need helpers to set up at the Archery Center on Friday night from 7pm, before the tournament starts .  See you there!

Early Bird entry finishes this week so please get your entries in asap and save money.  You don’t have to pay by Credit Card – please fill out the form as far as you can, then you can pay during the week at club or you can pay by cash on the day.

The time table for the event is as follwos

Saturday March 8:

8.45am Womens Open Foil
9.00am Mens Open Foil

11.00am Womens Novice Epee
11.15am Mens Novice Epee

1.00pm Womens Open Sabre
1.15pm Mens Open Sabre

Sunday March 9:

8.45am Womens Open Epee
9.00am Mens Open Epee

12.45pm Womens Novice Foil
1.00pm Mens Novice Foil

1.30pm Novice Sabre

To register:

you do not need to pay by credit card – fill our the form as far as you can and arrange to pay by cash during the week or on the day  by email to: